Sunday, October 6, 2019

The Lords of Chaos Film: Shameful

Just don't.

When I initially heard of the potential for this movie, probably almost a decade ago now, I thought, "Oh, for fuck's sake."  Then nothing happened with it, save the occasional update about some core personnel falling through.  I had largely forgotten about it.

I had largely forgotten about it, that is, until sometime last year, when all of a sudden there were reports of it actually being filmed.  Shortly thereafter, it had a proposed release date.  I was still dubious that it'd ever actually happen, but lo and behold, in the final months of 2018, it did.  The prospect horrified me.  Still, I held out hope that it'd be a fully indie affair and would come and go with little said about it and even less remembered.

As it turns out, memes began to turn up on social media relating directly thereto, and suddenly the shrouded memory of that most personally-influential of all musical movements was thrust forward into the public consciousness, somewhere that it was simply never meant to be, and made a mockery of.

I hang my head for black metal.

"It's just music," I've heard some say.  "Why take it so seriously?"

For some of us, that's what it's there for. 


  1. Most bm was worse and more pathetic than Hollywood trash. The ridicule is in bm itself. The only relevant players are Mayhem in the late 80, darkthrone til 1994 and the one and only trve unfashionable bm boy known as bathory. All the others are pathetic posers including varg. The latter is the school example of utter insecure loser with psychopathic disorder.

    1. Why are you on this page then? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
